Excellent feedback from our Project Officer and Reviewers
On December 14 2017 the 2nd project review by the EC Commission was held at the BBC Broadcasting House in London. During the 8 hour meeting all partners presented their achievements so far to our EC Project Officer Manuela Speiser and our reviewers, Prof. Huseyin Hacihabiboglu (Middle East Technical University Ankara) and Prof. Andreas Rauber (TU Wien).
After the welcome, Paul Morgan, Head of Technology, outlined the strategic relevance of object-based audio and the ORPHEUS project to the BBC. Then our work package leaders summarized the present status of the project and the respective tasks. In the demos we assembled, link by link, the full object-based audio broadcast chain from capturing and manipulating soundfields, editing and mixing with the DAW, storing in ADM, to play-out, pre-processing and distribution with MPEG-H, finally receiving the stream in an AV-Receiver and the iOS app.
Our pre-produced demo content proved the unsurpassed feature qualities of our joint developments. But the unmistakable highlight of the day was the live IP broadcast from BBC’s ORPHEUS studio. There, we demonstrated the integrability of object-based audio into BBC’s IP Studio technology.
Project Officer and reviewers not just acknowledged our achievements but were apparently delighted.
Get some impressions in this photo gallery.