ORPHEUS Audio News

ORPHEUS Audio News is the free e-mail newsletter of Horizon 2020 research project ORPHEUS.

The newsletter is published bi-annually and provides concise information about the activities and results of ORPHEUS.

PDF editions of newsletter issues published so far:

#1 ORPHEUS Audio News – August 2016 [pdf]

#2 ORPHEUS Audio News – December 2016 [pdf]

#3 ORPHEUS Audio News – June 2017 [pdf]

#4 ORPHEUS Audio News – December 2017 [pdf]

#5 ORPHEUS Audio News – May 2018 [pdf]

The ORPHEUS project consortium will not share the e-mail addresses of subscribers with any third party.
Subscriber data will only be used for sharing news on the project with subscribers.
Subscriber data are handled in accordance with EU data protection and privacy laws.
After the mailing of ORPHEUS News issue 5 there will be no further mailings to subscribers.
All subscriptions will be automatically terminated as soon as the project is administratively closed.


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