In ORPHEUS, we have defined the scope of Quality of Experience (QoE) by identifying different aspects and research foci of our partners. In this context, we recognized that for ‘object-based’ media a multi-dimensional approach is to be taken. On the one hand, many of the new qualities affecting audio have to be evaluated with perception examinations in the lab. On the other hand, there is an open field still to be delineated in the categories of information value and usability of interaction that are to be approached with new and appropriate methodologies (we have described this in detail in our deliverable 5.3 Document on Methodology for Evaluation of User Experience).
ORPHEUS model of QoE categories
Searching for approved procedures, expertise and accessible resources we were lucky to find all that available at the ‘Service-Manufactory’ JOSEPHS, a new venture of our partner Fraunhofer together with the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg. JOSEPHS is specialising in state-of-the-art product and services development trends like ‘design thinking’ and ‘co-creation’. As a public ‘open innovation lab’, JOSPEHS is located in Nuremberg’s heart of the city, close to the main shopping area and pedestrian zone. And attached with an Italian Cafe, it has become a lively place, sought after not only for it’s excellent Espresso con Crema, but also high-speed WiFi access.
ORPHEUS Workshop@Fraunhofer JOSEPHS
During a workshop in October 2017, our team from participating partners in this project – Fraunhofer IIS, Elephantcandy and BR – got detailed information on how JOSEPHS works. The basic idea is that they run ‘theme worlds’ for three months, and ideally installations of booked-in participants are related to this. From 1st December 2017 to 26th February 2018 the headline is “Megatrends” (well, who wouldn’t state, that ‘object-based media’ is not a mega-trend these days). We had a look and tried out the installations ourselves, which we found inspiring, but also challenging to take up as a new path of evaluation.
For our installation, we have eventually designed two scenarios. Each of them taking visitors into a ‘user story’, where they can explore the end-user representation of the ORPHEUS ‘object-based radio app’ and give feedback. We have considered how to best demonstrate the key advantages of object-based media consumption in different end-user situations. Basically it is all about listening ‘on-the-go’ and/or ‘at home’, with headphones in noisy environments or attentive and relaxed to enjoy sound.
Andreas Silzle testing the airplane scenario (cabin sounds are played back from the loudspeakers in the sonic chair)
Unless you want to try things out on your own, this process is accompanied by JOSEPHS’ guides, who are observing test users, asking them dedicated questions, collecting answers, or helping along if they got stuck.
Until 27th February 2018, ORPHEUS is now ‘public’ at JOSPEHS in Nuremberg, freely accessible on weekdays from 10:00 to 19:00 and Saturdays from 11:00 to 18:00. So if you are somewhere around, stop by and try out yourself!

Visitors exploring the ORPHEUS setting at JOSEPHS
JOSEPHS is quite active on social media, targeting young audiences. For Facebook they have made this snippet (German only)
Themenwelt "MEGATRENDS" – Was passiert an den Inseln?
#JOSEPHS_LabMorgen geht's los: wir eröffnen unsere neue Themenwelt #MEGATRENDS! Ab 10 Uhr könnt Ihr neue Produkte und Technologien rund um Digitalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit entdecken. Einen ersten Einblick in die (fast) fertigen Inseln gibt Euch unsere Kollegin Rebekka.
Posted by Josephs – Die Service Manufaktur on Thursday, November 30, 2017